
So Much Music

'Fantastic Freeriding – The Journey Continues,' the latest label compilation showcases the vibrant tapestry of the current artist collective. This compilation is a must-have for any music lover who appreciates cutting-edge artistry and boundary-pushing creativity. Bravo to all involved in creating such an exceptional musical journey!

A real treasure

With blues / rock influences, such as Patti Smith and Janis Joplin, this album is also inspired by the 20+ year marriage with her partner and, in some tracks, she brings to life this love that made ​​her fight against death. Norine has a distinctive voice, probably grown from roots, inspired by what she listened to, but the lyrics are sweet and melodic.

Pushing boundaries

Liam Pek's Keep On Keeping On truly embodies the spirit of creativity and versatility. With each performance, Liam takes the audience on a captivating journey through various genres, seamlessly blending influences from blues, Latin, 70s pop, and jazz. His repertoire is not only diverse but also remarkably coherent, showcasing his ability to fearlessly explore new musical territories.