
Now that's what we call Jazz!

Immerse yourself in the soulful world of Jazz, where the rich history and vibrant sounds of this genre come alive! Experience the evolution of Jazz, from its humble beginnings to the cutting-edge releases of today. UbuntuFM Jazz Radio takes you on an incredible musical odyssey that spans generations. Jazz music has stood the test of time, captivating generations with its unique blend of improvisation and expression. At UbuntuFM Jazz, we celebrate this timeless genre and ensure that it remains alive and vibrant for all who appreciate its beauty.

Soul Power

Soul is a music genre. Soul is also a condition of the heart and a state of mind. Soul that transcends boundaries and speaks to your heart and mind. From the origins of the genre up to today's newest releases. UbuntuFM Soul is not just another internet radio station. We are here to bring you the true essence of Soul music - a genre that goes beyond melodies, rhythms, and lyrics. We bring you the full spectrum of what Soul music truly means - from its humble origins to the cutting-edge releases of today.

Purple Music!

MoBounce, enfant terrible, child of God, with the need to freak out. Freak out over injustice, ignorance, and the unbearable lightness of being. The UbuntuFM music vault is his playground - it is also a testbed for UbuntuFM Radio with new upcoming material and tracks you will never hear on our featured channels.