Christina Dahl Trio | Souls Of The Wind

Christina Dahl Trio | "Souls Of The Wind"
From the spherical dreamy, to the dark and smouldering

Christina Dahl is one of Denmark's most original and respected saxophone players. Her playing and her compositions are based on fearless courage and deep care for the music. So do  Simon Toldam and Peter Bruun that accompanied her on this journey.

Christina Dahl is one with her saxophone, and she has composed music and played as a conductor in classical and rhythmic ensembles in all sizes, shapes, and forms for more than 30 years. During her career, she has released 12 albums in her own name and she has toured with an innumerable amount of bands and orchestras around the globe. In between shows and tours, she lectures at music schools and the Danish Music Conservatory.

"Souls Of The Wind" was released last year at a time of chaos in change. This album expresses very well the mood of the time. From drizzling echoes, sallow sub tones, to the silent storm that we have just left behind or still have to face? We will have to listen to the sounds within, the souls of the wind that carry us through time and space.

Honesty, sincerity, purity, and integrity come to mind when we listen to the album and reflect thereof on our own state of being and that of the world

Christina Dahl, Simon Toldam, and Peter Bruun have created an exquisite work of ambient Jazz that will hopefully find its way to many listeners around the world. We need it.