
The right to self-determination

If we are under the perception that Africa’s problems are so huge, complex, and diverse. Where to start? How to establish real change? How to improve people's lives and futures? Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987, continues to live on in the memory of his people.

The speech credited as the inspiration for Bob Marley's hit song "War"

This story recounts the attempts of one mortal man and humanity at large to establish everlasting peace instead of waging perpetual war. A struggle of good over evil.

You cannot rule another man's land

SRV's famous track 'Life Without You' as recorded on the live album "Live Alive", released on Epic Records in 1986. The track is only available on the vinyl double LP release, and omitted from later CD releases. Why? Maybe because of the rather political statement SRV makes in this particular version.