
A shrewd politician, a visionary, or both?

As with most larger-than-life figures Pres. Nelson Mandela was controversial. We know of his achievements and follies. But what is his legacy? What will he be best remembered for?

On the role of journalism: facts vs. fake news

The Fourth Estate mostly referred to as ‘the press’, is the guardian of veritas and has a special obligation as such when compared to ‘bloggers’. Let’s discuss why it matters and why it has this in fact an extremely important role to fulfill.

When a switch in perspective turns paradigmatic

From vases to faces, from people, to the world. The brain can switch from seeing the world from one way to a completely different way. It may not be recognisable at first but when the brain does connect the dots, it can never go back from seeing the world in just one way. We then have renewed our mind.